Tuesday 18 September 2012

Turning your life around

turning your life around

When you seem to get stuck in a rut, "One Day" can become an all too comfortable mantra that lets you off the hook of making changes. Sometimes it is a lot better to act first and reflect later than continue piling up dreams without doing anything about them.

Turning your life around is somewhat of a journey, but it has to begin with the first steps that can be done immediately, provided you have made the decision to do so. Whether you are fed up with what you are doing now or you really want to improve on a mediocre existence, you can make an instant decision to change right now, to get the momentum going for a better life direction.

1. Stop thinking about what you could be doing.

Ruminating can be a source of procrastination. Avoidance-by-perfectionism is just an excuse to feel sorry for yourself. The more your think over the matter, the more you are spending time in your head thinking what may go wrong than actually setting forth, and doing something.

The answer for a quick change is to stop all that thinking and get active. Realize it doesn't have to be anything big, as long as you choose to do something active and do it now.

2. It doesn't matter what time of day or day of the week or month of the year it is.

There is a saying in start-up companies, there is never a good time to start a new business. There are always going to be problems along the way and there will be challenges you didn't foresee. However, sitting on one spot isn't going to make these problems and challenges go away.

There isn't a "perfect" time ever to change yourself. The best time to start making changes, is absolutely any time, like right now. If you have the will, you will find a way. If you have the belief you can change your life around, you will do it, despite the challenges that present themselves.

3. Tidy up your environment.

It is hard to fly when your wings are pinned down by clutter. Ask yourself whether you really need those piles of papers, those unwatched DVDs, and those worn out clothes. Everything that takes up space in your life and covers up action zones is a source of distraction, and deterrence. Clearing things away to leave gaps and space will help free up space in your mind, and let you soar again.

4. Write down things you would like to change.

Grab a pen and paper and write down the following things without too much thinking.

* What do I like about myself right now? List at least five things. These are your strengths which you will keep on drawing.

* Write down the things you don't like about yourself or your current situation. Be realistic and kind. Write down real barriers that stop you from achieving your goals.

* Pick out the top three to five things you will like to change. Without too much thinking, write down the things you can to do make these changes. Do not overwork this - there is plenty of time for adjustment later.

You have just created a personal roadmap which you can refine over time.

5. Start doing.

Begin working on some of the things on your list. What small thing can you do right now, to get started? Whatever it is, break each item into smaller steps. Set a target at the end of each month to achieve your goals, building on your 10 to 20 minute a day preparation or homework.

Also read the article choose your support system.

Taken from: News Straits Times - 14 September 2012 (article), Google (images).

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