Tuesday 18 September 2012

Eat to live, not live to eat

eat to live, not live to eat

We are what we eat. Ninety-five percent of lifestyle diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hypertension, can be attributed to the food we eat. Many Malaysians are obese and overweight because they consume too much fatty, sugar-rich and oily food.

By consuming these foods regularly in large portions, we are fueling our bodies with bad and unhealthy cholesterol and toxins. There is a growing awareness of the food we eat. Many are becoming vegetarians and vegans for religious and health reason.

Vegetarian food is the healthier choice because it digests fast and is low in fat and calories, and is good for the digestive system. They want to be healthy and eat the right food that will ensure a healthy life.

Today, many are into a diet of raw vegetables and fruits. These raw foodists eat food that is primarily unheated or uncooked and, therefore, the food is rich in natural enzymes which are significant in building proteins and rebuilding the body.

These enzymes are usually killed when the food is heated or cooked. The raw food diet has become a staple of many health enthusiasts and has been accepted and adopted by many worldwide. Foods included in raw food diets are fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains and legumes. By going green, Malaysians are realizing that they can stay healthy.

Malaysians are spoilt for choice with a variety of food that is available around the clock. It takes discipline and self-control to control what and how much you eat. The food you eat will determine a healthy body, mind and lifestyle. Many people in their 40s and 70s are suffering form lifestyle diseases because of unhealthy food and living a carefree life in their 20s and 30s.

Malaysia is blessed with much food because of our cultural diversity. Whatever food we eat, let us eat to live and not live to eat. Everything should be taken in moderation. It is the excessive and obsessive addiction to food that causes lifestyle diseases.

As we grow older, we have to be wary of the food we eat. It pays to be extra careful of what goes into your mouth because it may be your investment to healthy living and aging in your golden years.

Taken from: News Straits Times (article), Google (images).

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