Saturday 11 May 2013

4 healthy habits for strong hair

4 healthy habits for strong hair

Here are some quick and easy tips for both guys and gals who love their long locks and aim to keep it that way. The world is full of going-bald-folks, so let's turn that around as much as we can! :)

1. Brushing your hair twice or thrice a day is the secret to beautiful hair.

The most important follicle function, which is a result of hair brushing, is the work of the sebaceous glands. These microscopic glands are responsible for providing your hair with natural oils called sebum. Brushing your hair daily allows these tiny glands to open, breathe, and produce their natural oils. In fact, most beauty experts swear that brushing is a form of natural conditioning!

When you brush your hair you are massaging the scalp, increasing blood circulation by stimulating the capillaries, and allowing the stem, root, and bulb of your hair to breathe in life-giving oxygen. Brushing helps to clean your scalp from dead skin, and the leftover chemicals from hair gel, mousses, hair spray, and even shampoo and conditioners.

2. Eat proteins and leafy greens.

According to the American Dietetic Association, the foods that boost muscle growth will also boost hair growth. The Dermatology Consultants of Westchester Scarsdale agreed by adding that our bodies have a priority system of sending nutrients to the most important parts of the body, so if there is a lack in nutrients, our hair is the first to go.

Excessive amounts of alcohol, sugar, and salt can also lead to thinning hair and hair loss. Make sure that natural foods that are rich in protein, iron, zinc, Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, and biotin go on your plate. Of course, if you've been already eating healthy for what seems like forever and have not had any results, then don't worry.

Consult your hair care specialists or hair stylist for some advice or tricks of the trade. There are hair care products out, like Regain, that are made for improving hair growth. The nice thing about Regaine for men and women is that is fairly easy to use with no mess or nasty side effects involved. Washing and conditioning your hair is only a start to good hair. The next step is to feed it well.

3. Rinse your hair after gym hours and time in the sun.

Sweat causes a salt build-up on your scalp that dries out your hair and causes it to get brittle and damaged. The scalp has many tiny pores that must be open to breathe and stay healthy, but when you sweat these pores become blocked with salt and bacteria. Avoid this by rinsing your hair after gym hours. Rinsing your hair daily with plain water under the shower is best, because using shampoo everyday will dry your hair out.

4. Massage your head with oil and without.

Massaging your head helps increase the blood and oxygen circulation to each of hair follicles. You can massage your head with or without oil, but most hair care experts suggest that you should try to massage your head at least once a week using rosemary oil, olive oil, coconut oil, or carrot seed oil.

Rosemary oil is the most popular for curing hair loss and is found in many hair oils and hair products because it increases cellular metabolism and stimulates hair growth. But other oils work just as well. In this case it's the massaging that will have the greatest effect on the growth of your hair.

Taken from: Guest Post (article, By John Smith), Google (images).

6 Responses on '4 healthy habits for strong hair'

Natural hair regrowth said...

Nice post here. I really love reading articles like about hair care and some hair growth tips.
Thank you for your post!

Unknown said...

Hi Guest!

Thanks a lot for your feedback.. ;)

Victoria said...

Hair growing problems are very common now-a-days.. Well explained about How to keep our hair healthy ..

Unknown said...

Hi Victoria..

Thanks for your comment..

Nice to meet you.. ;)

Unknown said...

Hey there,

This post helped also anyone who is also going through hair loss.

Great post here!

Unknown said...

Hi Julia..

Thanks a lot for your comment.. ;)

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