Saturday 2 November 2013

5 ways to prevent arthritis

5 ways to prevent arthritis

There are numerous people dreading the onset of arthritis later in life. The painful disease affects the bones and joints with stiffness and twinges limiting movement. There are several types of arthritis each targeting different areas of the body. It is important that steps be taken to prevent the inflammatory disease from setting in because it causes damage to the tissues and cartilage allowing the bones in the joints to rub against one another. Here are five ways to aid in arthritis prevention that are natural and require little effort and only a few lifestyle changes.

Maintain an Ideal Weight.

You should begin by maintaining your ideal weight to avoid additional strain on the joints. Arthritis could result from the additional strain placed on the joints by being overweight. Avoiding overeating, exercise and a well-balanced diet can aid you in the efforts to maintain your ideal weight for arthritis prevention.

Eat a Balanced Diet.

The diet should be well balanced with sufficient amounts of calcium and vitamin D. You will aid in the strengthening of your muscles and bones while helping to keep your weight under control with these nutrients. Increasing fresh fruits and vegetable intake is not only good for overall health but has benefits for the bones as well.

An imbalance in body chemistry can be caused by eating habits making it important to pay attention to the diet and avoid foods that could contribute to the inflammation. A dietician can help you to determine the best dietary plan for you when it comes to foods that trigger symptoms of arthritis.

Improve Your Level of Fitness.

Preventing arthritis requires that you keep your fitness level up by engaging in various physical activities. Supporting and protecting the joints by developing strength in the muscles can be done by regular exercise. Increasing balance and flexibility to prevent arthritis can be done by targeting core muscles such as the back and abs through strengthening exercises. Swimming, running and brisk walking are good exercises to aid with balance and flexibility as well.

Stretching Exercises.

Performing stretching exercises on a regular basis is another way that you can prevent arthritis. The muscles supporting the joints will be strengthened with stretching exercises, which will help the joints to remain healthy. Keeping the body healthy and flexible will help you to avoid the dangers associated with being overweight and prevent losing the use of the joints due to arthritis.

Quit Smoking.

You can also lower the risk of developing arthritis by not smoking. The risk of arthritis and other diseases is lowered when you stop smoking. These are just a few of the things that you can do to aid in prevention of the illness. When arthritis symptoms are present, you should consult your physician to determine which treatment options are going to have the most effectiveness for you. It is important to seek treatment immediately if you begin to notice symptoms of arthritis but preventing arthritis is the best way to avoid the pain associated with it.

Taken from: Guest Post (article, By Tammy Mahan), Google (images).

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