Friday 30 May 2014

5 cool tips to combat tooth decay

5 cool tips to combat tooth decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common preventable illnesses among children and adults, but the good news is that it’s actually really easy to keep tooth decay at bay. Here are 5 simple steps to help you combat cavities:

1. Brush along to your favorite tune.

Brushing is the best way of keeping your mouth bacteria free, but most people admit that they don’t brush for long enough. If this problem sounds familiar to you and you don’t want to spend money on a brush with a built-in timer, why not try brushing along to your favourite tune? Most songs last between 2 and 4 minutes, which is perfect, as dentists recommend brushing for a minimum of 2 minutes each time. When you brush, make sure you cover all the surfaces of each tooth and reach right into the corners of your mouth.

2. Stop snacking!

Many people admit to grazing on sandwiches, crisps, biscuits and cakes during the day and while most are aware that this is not great for the waistline, you may be less aware of the impact on your teeth. When you eat, the bacteria in your mouth feed and this prompts them to release acids, which attack the enamel. The enamel is very strong and it is capable of seeing off these attacks, but there is only so much it can stand and if you are constantly snacking, this means that your teeth are always under attack. If you’re hungry between meals, try avoiding sugary and acidic foods; ideally, it’s best to just stick to three meals a day.

3. Floss.

According to the infamous Baz Lurhmann Sunscreen song, it’s advisable to floss and dentists all over the world also support this pearl of wisdom. Flossing is a means of removing bacteria and plaque from areas that you perhaps cannot reach or have missed with a toothbrush. Flossing is particularly beneficial for cleaning between the teeth and along the line where the teeth meet the gums. Ideally, you should floss once a day. Crooked teeth allow bacteria and gum disease more readily. Brace systems such as the Inman Aligner allow you to floss bacteria much easier when your teeth get straighter.

4. Don’t delay dental visits.

Many people admit that they make excuses to avoid going to the dentist, but dental checks are really important and they can make a massive difference to your oral health, as well as your general health. Check-ups are painless and quick and most of the time you leave the practice wondering what on earth you were so anxious about in the first place. The reality is that if you keep up with your 6 monthly check-ups and you keep an eye on your diet and maintain good oral hygiene at home, it’s highly likely that you’ll be given the green light and told to come back 6 months later. If you are a nervous patient, it’s worth taking time to talk to your dentist, as they will be able to help and they can adapt your care to take your anxiety into account.

5. Chew gum.

Chewing gum may not seem like the most obvious piece of health advice, but chewing sugar-free gum after you eat can really help to reduce the risk of decay. Chewing stimulates the secretion of saliva, which neutralizes acids in the mouth and helps to wash away bits of food debris. Avoid choosing products that are not sugar-free and don’t chew gum all day, every day, as this is not good for your stomach.

Taken from: Guest Post (article, By Richard Buckley), Google (images).

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