Sunday 19 January 2014

Main cause and treatment of Wilson’s disease

Main cause and treatment of Wilson’s disease

Staying fit is indeed very important in today’s tough and competitive world. However, we are often unable to understand how our bodies behave as there are many bodily afflictions which go unnoticed and uncalled for in common knowledge. One such affliction is the wilson disease.

What turns out to be the most silent disease in the human body, Wilson’s disease is a liver disorder that is both chronic and painless in nature. In fact, most of the symptoms are silent and hard to notice. They are always diagnosed at the last moment when the disease is already beyond control.

What causes Wilson’s disease? What are the main treatments available for this chronic liver disease? How frequently are cases pertaining to Wilson’s disease found in the medical history of the country? What are main symptoms behind this disease? These are few of the questions that have been asked about this disease which seems to take an important position in the society of late.

Well, tackling and answering all these questions is beyond the scope of this article. We shall go topic by topic. In the present article, we will discuss in detail the causes and treatment of Wilson disease.

Main Cause of Wilson’s disease.

Like it or not, most of us suck at reminding ourselves to take extra care of the main gift of God to us, namely, the human body. If there are any amounts of stress that bending or talking for hours causes on us, our body bears it. It is only natural that the body has only one way to complain about the stress, something that it always does by breaking down into a disorder or falling prey o the causes of the disease.

No, we are not talking of just immunity. Wilson’s disease is one affliction which can be both hereditary and stress-induced. The main cause of the disease is the fact that some livers are unable to flush out the entire amount of copper that it should be giving out.

Body copper content is considered important for maintaining healthy nerves, good skin, and proper collagen and so on. However, those who are afflicted with Wilson’s disease are unable to flush the excess quantity that builds up in the body entering through food. This excess gets stored in the liver and hampers the normal functioning and affects other aspects of a body’s functioning. Symptoms include lack of energies, portal hypertension, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and migraines.

Treatment for Wilson’s disease:

Wilson’s disease does not impose much of life hazard when diagnosed at early stages. The medication is simple and does not involve an integrated approach to treating all the symptoms all at once. Mainly, regular medication used to remove copper from the liver is used, and the medication basically encourages proper flushing of the liver.

In what happens to be a dire need at times of emergency, medication for pain control and bleeding control are injected into the body. This happens in the cases of emergencies like migraines and portal hypertension.

While migraine has no known treatment and can be aided only through the use of painkillers and sleep inducers, the scenario of portal hypertension is riskier and calls for immediate action. Portal hypertension is the term used for bleeding in the esophagus a condition that occurs due several factors including imbalance in body metabolism.

Excess of copper in the body causes this affliction. Amongst all the cases of portal hypertension that have been treated, diagnosis at an early stage of development was seen only in the case of 60 percent of the affected people. This clearly shows that every time there is an incident of bleeding in the nose or throat; you actually have to take it seriously and watch out for other symptoms.

If diagnosed early, this symptom does not pose any major threat. Neural distension is resolved using the relaxants. The treatment usually extends lifelong with positive results and patients leading a normal life.

Taken from: Guest Post (article, By Mike Greaves), Google (images).

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