Thursday 6 March 2014

3 steps to achieving optimum performance in the workplace

3 steps to achieving optimum performance in the workplace

For those of us who work in office environments, the feeling of being tired, stressed and permanently hunched over our PCs can be familiar indeed. The office lifestyle can be unhealthy indeed - with ever-present junk food, a lack of exercise and movement, and constant exposure to digital screens and poor seating postures all potential concerns. Fortunately, there are ways to mitigate the negative effects of having a sedentary job, and improving your energy levels and performance in the process.

Building movement into your day.

Many people drive to work, sit at their desks all day, drive home and watch TV all evening before going to bed. It is no wonder that avoidable diseases, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease are all on the rise. Simply going to the gym three times a week won't mitigate this kind of lifestyle either - so take action by building movement into your day.

You could start walking or cycling to work, or parking out of town if you drive and walking in for part of the commute - potentially saving you money in the process. Walk to see colleagues rather than emailing, take a tour of the office every couple of hours and go for a spin around the block when you feel your energy levels start to tumble. Bounce your knees, find reasons to stand up, and generally fidget; research suggests that fidgeters can burn up to 1000 calories more a day!

Eat right.

Forget office cookies, cakes and crisps - and stop buying lunch on the go. Instead, prepare balanced lunches and snacks that will give you sustained energy throughout the day. Opt for high protein foods that repair your body, avoid blood sugar swings, and keep you feeling alert and on top form. Try hard boiled eggs, chicken legs, ham or cheese - all with a large salad. Enjoy fruit and nuts, and try oat cakes and other slow release carbohydrates to balance out your meals.

Avoid eating sugar or adding it to your drinks. Also, drink plenty of water, tea or herbal teas to stay hydrated and alert - tiredness is often the first sign of being dehydrated. If you lack time to make your own meals, why not look at high protein ready meals, snack bars or whey protein shakes, such as those found at proteinfoodsdirect.

Take small breaks.

Rather than plugging away relentlessly and achieving nothing, build small breaks into your day, and break the day into achievable chunks. Plan and organize your time so that you have a small number of objectives and tasks, and focus on those.

Close down your email if necessary and promise yourself a reward when you have completed your task list - perhaps going to see a colleague that you like, stopping for a drink and a snack, or even going for a walk around the block if it is sunny outside. By planning, evaluating and monitoring your own progress, you will achieve more. Spend ten minutes at the end of the day reviewing what you have achieved and plan your goals for the next day and remainder of the week.

Taken from: Guest Post (article, By Mike Greaves), Google (images).

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